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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Release

I have been arguing with myself over how much of this story I wanted to share.  It was such an emotional experience, that part of me wants to keep it all to myself and yet part of me feels that it needs to be shared so others can know what to expect.  As I sit here now I am not even sure how much I will end up sharing, so let the story continue.

The ten hour drive was thankfully uneventful.  I listened to my book and enjoyed the quiet ride trying not to think about what lay ahead of me at the end of this trip.  My husband had told me that his phone and email privileges would be shut off early that day so I would have no means of communication if there were any problems so it is understandable that I jumped out of my skin when my phone rang indicating a call from his number.  It turns out, it was the phone contract company that serviced his special phone number.  With all the extra calls in the last few weeks, I had gone over my extra minutes.  How convenient, I got to tell them that I would no longer need their services.  One step closer...

I arrived in town just as it started to get dark, due to a storm moving in.  It was the same hotel that we always stayed in when visiting him, so it was nice to have a familiar place.  I checked in, headed to the grocery store for dinner and snacks and then after eating headed to the fitness room.  Spent an hour on the treadmill to work off all the energy and anxiety.  While on the treadmill, the rain started down pouring, and with the skylights in the fitness center, I felt like I was in the middle of it all.  (Especially when there was a leak in the glass seam and I was getting dripped on). 

Trying to get to get everything done before bed, seemed like I would not have enough time for everything.  But I was not even sure that I would be able to fall asleep at all.  I did sleep, badly, but I was able to get some sleep anyway.  Up before six and getting in the shower to get to the prison by 7:30am.  I did not want to be late and have to make him wait any minute longer than necessary behind that fence. 

I drove over to the prison one last time on a beautiful, sunny, Friday morning.  I was the only car in the visitors lot and my stomach was so full of butterflies I probably could have flown there on my own energy.  Around 7:45am I picked up the visitors phone like I was told to do and called to say that I was here to pick up my husband and that's when my stomach fell.

It was apparent that the man who answered the phone really had no idea what he was talking about, he advised me that I needed to call the phone number for the medium level facility.  I hung up, dialed the medium while I listened to it ring and go unanswered, I knew that he was wrong, so I dialed the number for the low again.  This time I got a lady, who was rather rude (not surprising if you are used to the COs in the federal system).  She told me that she could not tell me anything since she did not know who I was so I should just sit and wait for someone to call me.  So I waited.  I watched a bus come and go, and my husband had told me that they try to get the pick ups out before the bus riders, so I started to get nervous.  Leave it to the BOP to torture you up until the very last minute. 

I watched the hands on my watch tick by.  How long do I wait before I call back?  Will I annoy them and then what?  So I waited some more.  I started texting a friend who knew I was waiting to help pass the time while keeping my eye on the exit door.  I summoned up the courage and made another phone call.  This time another lady was a bit nicer and told me to wait, he was getting out.  THANK YOU.  That is all I really needed to hear.  I was afraid something had changed, and I had my phone number shut off yesterday, and no way to know that there was a problem.

So much for texting.  I just called my friend because I needed to talk to someone.  I was the only one there waiting for a release.  I had been there almost an hour at this point.  I kept my eyes glued to that front door.  Would I even recognize him when he came out?  Would they call me up to go get him?

Then I saw him!!  My breadth was gone.  My friend on the phone with me started crying, she could read so much in the sound of my voice.  Instinctively I knew not to do anything stupid or uncontrolled, so I slowly got up from my bench and waited at the sign that says "No Visitors Beyond This Point".  I hung up with my friend and waited.  He came walking out the door, escorted by a guard.  They were both talking and laughing,  I was a bowl of jelly, but I waited.  It seemed like the longest walk ever.  Suddenly the guard stopped walking and my husband keep walking toward me.  That hug was the greatest hug in the history of the world.  I did not want to let go, but I was shaking so much.  So much to say, but not here.  I wanted to get out of there and never go back.  I wanted to see that place in my rear view mirror and then erase any memories from my mind. 

It took me hours to stop shaking, and I am amazed I was able to drive, but we made it back to the hotel for him to take a real shower and clean that place off him forever before heading out into the world for the first time as a couple in over 5 years.  The next few days were awkward in many ways, but it was nice to have a few quiet days to ourselves before joining the real world and facing all the unknowns that were ahead of us


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I am truly happy for you and I can't wait to read about what I call the "re-bonding time". That awkward phase when you are getting to know one another intimately...all over again. And when I say intimate I don't mean sex. The intimacy in sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings and everyday life experiences with this person who has been absent for so long. That's the part that I am nervous about.

    My boyfriend is due to come home from the federal prison in Tucson and your blog is immensely helpful and I feel as if you are a kindred spirit as I read your entries. I too had to explain to my 20 month-old (as best as I could) why daddy wasn't around right now, while struggling to keep him at the forefrontof her little mind so she doesn't forget what he looks like or sounds like. And for myself I had to learn not to resent him for putting his family in this situation to begin with. Having to plan birthday parties, and having to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmases, and anniversaries by myself. Dealing with the ache of missing him so much, worrying about his mental, physical and emotional well being. The financial burden of losing an income etc etc.

    And while his incarceration is not nearly as long as your husband's; (my boyfriend is in the final months of an 18 month prison sentence; 20 months of total incarceration) it has been so therapeutic to read someone else's experiences and how you coped and managed through those very tough and often times lonely months.

    JT is due to come home this November and I cannot wait to experience all those emotions that you described! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for letting us into your private world and sharing all of your struggles so eloquently. God bless.

  2. Thank you for giving us insight into what the future looks like. My partner has been incarcerated since April, 2012 for a 33 month sentence. The worst part is the not knowing; what to expect, what the future holds, what to do. This has given me comfort in seeing I'm not alone and there ARE others who understand.

  3. Im so happy for you all! Im so glad you have your partner and teammate back, whatever the circumstances.

    I cant believe you all made it through this! Do you ask your husband what prison was like? Does he want to forget it too?

  4. Reading your story brought chills to me and made me even more anxious for the arrival of 2014 when my husband is released after 13 long years of incarceration. As the days and months get closer, it seems as though all I think about is that re-connecting time and what it will actually feel like to be able to just talk as long as we want once again without being stared at the entire time, or having someone breakup our special time together......I wish you all the best and pray that all the darkness felt in the past is replaced and erased by the brightness of your future dreams that soon become reality.

  5. I'm facing a similar situation with up to an 8yr sentence for something similar. This particular blog post gave me hope. Made me cry for you having to wait forever after 7:30am. I live for the day we can be back in each others arms. For now, I just need hope that time will pass fast and this will be over eventhough this is only the beginning.
    I have read many parts of this blog and thank you for sharing all the parts of your story as much as you could. The happy, sad, angry, confusing and hard parts of your journey. Thank you.

    1. Wow rereading this after three years and all the emotions come rushing back. We have survived and are still together so I guess we have made it over the roughest part. It is not always easy but it is worth the effort and now we have a future to look forward to. I wish you well and I hope that someday so many of us do not find ourselves in these roles. But it will take a large and loud voice of people to make that kind of change.
