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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Find Myself Surrounded

Looking back to 2008 I would have never believed that I would find myself where I am today.  I believe that all my past experiences have prepared me for the place and the people in my life.  I know that this journey is by design and not random and I am fully prepared to make the most of all that I now know.

Years ago, I was like most of the population who believed the garbage that came from the press about sex offenders and how awful they all were.  Any one with that label was someone that my children were advised to steer clear of and to be vigilante of strangers.  But now I know the facts and the truth and the reality of anyone being labeled a sex offender.  But, in truth, the irony in this is not that I know more sex offenders because of my husband or because of our support group, I now know more sex offenders because of people who are in my life for a variety of reasons.  Another family member finds himself on this same path only for different reason, a friend of my daughters and a friends boyfriend are examples of a few. 

I find myself as the navigator for the family members because this is a road well known by me with all the pitfalls, twists and turns that lay ahead of them.  If not for my experiences I would not be able to offer them anything except my prayers.  But now, I am fully armed with so much information that I do not know where to begin with all there is to share.  The young man had so much going for him and knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life, but now that is all changing.  He is a fine young man and one I respect and trust, and hope that he does not let this drag him down.  I hope that all will turn out well and that he will rise above it all only to find success on a different path and that he does not let any future label define him. 

My daughter's friend is young enough to not really understand the tough road ahead of him, although he has carried the sex offender label for a few years already.  He is still struggling with the judicial ramifications of his initial crime.  But he knows that within our family, no judgement is passed on anyone based on a label.  He knows that he can freely talk to me about any issues that he is facing at any given time.  He has taken the time to overcome his own discomfort to share his story with me and I believe that he finds a small comfort in having another place to turn. 

I am not actively looking to surround myself with sex offenders, but I am finding more and more of them in my daily life.  I am not sure if it is because there are more and more people labeled as sex offenders or if they are being placed in my life for other reasons.  Maybe it is because I come across more open and accepting but for what ever the reason, I am prepared.  It is not an area that I ever thought I would be an "expert" in but I am always available to help any one who needs some help.

In truth, it scares me that I can name so many people I know that are on the sex offender registry.  All of whom are great guys who made mistakes, paid the price and are now trying to move forward.  What does that say about us as a society, when we find safety in putting a label on someone who will most likely never commit another crime?  I would wonder how many of us would be amazed to discover that co-worker, friend, or family member, who is a great guy, is actually a sex offender.