I decided that on this page I was going to try to share with you my favorite Book of the Month. Some of the titles will be books that I found inspirational, others will be motivational and I could never forget, just a fun read. I will offer some high lights but will try not to give away the endings. If anyone has any suggestions to add, just let me know, keep in mind though that I will have to read it before I could post it here. Happy Reading!

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No
Recommended reading for anyone looking to improve the relationships in their lives. Dr. Henry Cloud easily combines the world of science and spirituality to create an easy to follow and understand guide to improve our lives and our relationships. Anyone struggling to understand "why they are the way they are" would benefit from reading this book. If offers us a road map to correcting those toxic relationships that continue to drag us down, offering the opportunity for black and white solutions as well as areas of compromise.
Take some time to read this and I am sure you will discover yourself somewhere in the pages as well as your parents, your siblings, your co-workers, your etc...
Last Lecture
I first learned about Randy when his "Last Lecture" was the hottest thing on YouTube to watch. I still watch it time and again when I am at work. His outlook on life is just so positive and he shares such an uplifting message that when I found a copy of his book at a friends house I immediately started reading her copy and then had to purchase my own to finish it. The book tells the same story as his video, but it also encompasses some of the topics of his other lectures like time management. It is definitely a keeper for me, since I like to feed my brain with positive thoughts as often as possible. It was a quick read and I will definitely read it again and again.
The Ultimate Gift
This book is my Chritmas gift to you. I first listened to this story as an audio book very early on when my husband was first charged but still with us. I immediately fell in love with the story and the lessons that it had to offer and got my husband to take some time to listen to it as well. Jim Stovall has the ability to open our eyes to some of lifes most important lessons while telling us a wonderful story. I have since purchased the book (and its sequel) and read them both numerous times. Each time I read it I am able to pull something more out of the story and still close the cover with a feeling that I have learned something new.
Jim Stovall's personal story is just as inspiring as his books and I would suggest you take the time to read about him. He lost his sight relatively early in his life, yet he has overcome so many obstacles and succeeded where others might have given up.
The story was released as a movie and is currently running on the channels that run all the holiday movies. Although the movie is good (it combines a bit of both novels), like any other book to movie story, the original books have so much more to offer. But in the hectic holiday season, when time is short, the two hour movie is still a great option.
The Noticer
Andy Andrews in a New York Times best selling author and has been labeled as "one of the most influential people in America". He has written several novels, most of which I have read. "The Noticer" is set in Orange Beach, Alabama which could be anywhere in the country. It is an ordinary town with ordinary people and the same everyday problems we all face. What is different in this town is an older gentleman named "Jones". He comes and goes in peoples lives sharing tidbits of information that he claims to hold simply because he has a skill few of us take the time to foster, he is a Noticer.
Throughout the story we learn how taking a different perspective can change our lives and the lives of those around us. I enjoyed following the characters and the changes they made in their lives for the better. It inspired me to think twice before I make a decision or take a particular action. I can think of one opportunity so far, since reading this story, that I was the Noticer. It opened my eyes to tying to view things from every possible angle and making truly informed choices.
Thank you Andy for another great story that offers a wonderful and insightful message.