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Monday, November 28, 2011

A Challenge to all Those Who Call Themselves Christians

I am always looking for inspiration in anything I can find or in anyone in my life.  Recently I attended the Women of Faith conference and let me tell you that those ladies are some of the most inspirational and motivational women I have ever had the blessing to be around.  It was like stopping at a gas station to refill your gas tank, they refilled my spirit and showed me that the sun is still shining.

But I still continue to keep my eyes open for the subtle messages that come my way which leads me to my thought for today.  Recently the reading in church was from Matthew 25:31-46 and of course I was listening and thinking. 

I have many wonderful friends who do not march around proclaiming themselves as Christians, they do not preach to the world with their online twitter and Facebook accounts, they do not boast about how great their church is (some do not even attend church)  but they demonstrate and live their lives as intended by this reading.  My experiences over the last few years has shown me that many of those people that find it necessary to yell out to the world that they are Christians, are only trying to convince the rest of us that they are good but are not certain that we can see it (or not see it, as the case may be) for ourselves.  They are out there prophesying and sharing the message but with a closer look you can see that they are not really living the life that they are encouraging the rest of us to follow.  They want us to attend their church, listen to their pastors message, or attend the awesome functions from their community but that is the catch...it is within their community.

They do not reach out to those outside their circles, they do not go beyond their comfort zone and do not help the stranger unless the world is watching or they get the credit that they feel they deserve.  Some of these friends are people who have been friends with my husband and me for years but because the situation find it uncomfortable so they have chosen to step back while other friends have jumped in with both feet and been a great support and inspiration.   I have never been a strong believer in one religion or church being better than another, just that you live your life according to His word.   How can I "follow" someone who does not even follow their own teachings?

So here is my challenge to everyone our there whether they call themselves Christians or not, live your life based on the teachings not based on recognition.  Reach out to those in need, write a letter to a long lost friend, help a stranger because you should not because someone is watching, smile at a stranger on the street, hold the door open for someone, make time in your busy schedule for some one who needs a friend and teach The Word by your actions and not your words.
As someone who has benefited from these gifts both as a recipient and the giver, I can offer you no greater sense of joy than knowing how much you touched someone else's life, whether they be a friend or stranger.

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