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Monday, January 3, 2011

Surviving the Holidays Alone

Yeah!  I did it!  Another holiday season has come and gone and I survived.  I guess I must be getting better at everything although I do not feel like it is all that easy.

As much as I dread putting up the Christmas decorations, because much of it I do alone, I do enjoy seeing the lights and feeling the holiday spirit that comes from having them up.  For the last few years we have had an artificial tree, which truthfully makes the holiday much easier. I am not sure I would even get a tree if I had to go out, pick one, lug it home, bring it in and then try to put it up.  I will admit I love the smell of fresh pine but a good candle will do the trick just as well.  No tree to water and no needles to clean up either. 

We actually have 2 trees, one comes out of the box and has to be completely assembled but the other already has the lights on and is in 3 pieces.  Over the last few years I have become quite efficient at packing the ornaments away.  One or two boxes and everything is out for each tree, set up is as easy as possible and so is the pick up but it is still something else I have to do while still trying to do all my other responsibilities.  I think about every decoration I put up knowing that I will have to eventually put them all away. 

I struggle with making a nice Christmas for the family with keeping my sanity and not trying to do everything.  It is a battle that I sometimes feel I am winning and then others I am loosing.  Because of the age of the kids, they are mostly teenagers and sometimes (all the time?) take what I do for granted so it feels like I am pushing a boulder up hill and not making any progress.  I get upset that they do not seem to appreciate all that I am trying to do and let them know that they would miss it if I did not do it at all, but truth be told, I would miss it too. 

But I think I achieved a level of success this year.  There were presents under the tree, thanks in part to some friends and gifts from their father thanks to Angel Tree.  I did not get as much help as last year but that is a good sign because that means that I am doing better on my own.  Each year it gets a little bit better, not necessarily easier.  Christmas day was nice, we got to spend it with special friends, although Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas were difficult.  I think that may be because things were quieter on those two days.  Too much time to think about what we were missing. 

The relief is that we are one year closer, and one more holiday down before my husband comes home again.  It seems that we are always measuring things by counting backward.  It does not seem as bad to think that after one more Christmas he could be home again, instead of thinking that we have two more years left.  Trying to keep everything positive is a stressful and difficult task but one that I strive for everyday.

It may be a compliment that other people forget how difficult things still are for us, it means that we are putting our best faces on and moving forward.  But that too becomes difficult to deal with because they forget that our lives are different and that we can not be who we used to be or who they want us to be.  But that is our lives, always changing, always learning, and hoping to succeed and come out of this as better individuals forming one unified family. 



  1. I just found your blog and am amazed at the fact that I am not alone!! I have felt so alone for the past year since all the bad stuff has started happening to my family as well. My husband also made some bad choices in his business and now my three children and I have to be without a spouse/father for 8+ years. To make things even more uncertain, I was diagnosed with cancer at the same time all of this was coming down. What I'd like to know is where I can find a support group in my area?

  2. I would really love to be able to give you an address or a phone number for a complete list of groups across the country but unfortunately I am not aware of one. The group I found is local and is not part of a larger group. I found my group by accident when I was done looking and was getting ready to start my own group. I was referred to this group through a representative in the court system when I called her with questions. Ann Edenfield runs a group called WINGS that supports families at certain prison facilities, you can try their website at www.WingsMinistry.org.

    I had heard of other wives forming a support group, but that would only work if you are local to each other and met at a prison visit. Since my husband is in Federal prison and 500 miles away, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. I sent out numerous e-mails and requests to "experts" that I found on-line asking about groups, and was told that they could not help.

    There are numerous on-line support groups, or chat options, but they did not seem to fill my need for personal interaction. Some people do find them very helpful. I see value in the information that they have but not the emotional connection, but that is just my opinion. If you are interested in those I can send you a list of them. Some of the web sites have private chats where you can connect with others in your area, which may be helpful.

    Unfortunately for us it seems like a unique situation. (I think I am the only one with this problem that my counselor sees) but in reality there are a great number of people out there. I think that not everyone is interested in getting help. Going alone is hard enough, why make it harder by not getting help and support.

    Don't give up...keep looking, and if it is necessary start your group. Let me know if you would like a list of the web sites.

  3. Thanks for the encouragment. I don't know where to begin to find people in my area in the same situation. My husband is 200 miles away. Wings is way too far away as I am in the northeast. I will keep trying as it would be nice to have someone to talk to who would know what I am going through.

  4. Hi, glad I found your website. I tried to start my own local group in Kansas called If Only. That's an acronym for Inmates Family's Outwardly need Love, Yes! It did not fly. No one showed up twice. Anyway we have done 8 years so far and he finally comes home next year at Christmas. I just recently moved to New Mexico and am loving it. Couldn't do the prison visits anymore. He will come here and start over when he gets out. Best move I ever made to get myself out of the depression. We talk on phone everyday but he pays for it and he is in work release and he sends money. I did it for 6 1/2 years, paid for calls and sent money. Now he's doing it, bless his heart! I had best Memorial Weekend just being here and enjoying the scenery! God bless you all! Jazzjaws
