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Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Life Could Never Be a Hollywood Movie

Hollywood script writers could not even come close to writing a movie with all the ups and downs in my life.  This could probably be said for most of us, but some days it seems truer than others.  None of us have lives that fit so nicely into the Hollywood movie formula of "the conflict, the solution and everyone lives happily ever after". With every up, there is a down.  Some days there are more downs than up or visa versa, but it is my life and with that I choose to celebrate the ups and learn from the downs. 

To continue my story, my husband finally found a job.  Right now he is still working through the placement agency but we are hopeful that the company will sign him on permanently.  There have already been a few additional pay checks, but it will take a while to get everything caught up.  He is not making a ton of money, barely minimum wage, but it is more than nothing and it is a start.  He is currently working a second shift, which is great for him and all his requirements.  He still has his mornings to get all his necessary things done without it affecting a work day.  It also leaves him available to run the kids back and forth for all their outside appointments.  However, it is not great for family time, especially when he lives in another house.  Unless they have appointments the kids do not see him, except on weekends.  I might see him a couple mornings during the week if I have the time to stop on my way to work.  The upside for me is that he is not home during the weekday evenings so I am not compelled to leave our house to spend time with him.  I have returned to my routine of laundry, groceries and household chores when I have the energy.  I am however, driven to get as much of the household stuff done during the week, so my weekends are not so full.  This allows us to spend time on the weekends while other things to not get neglected. 

With the addition of a job, we needed a second vehicle to allow us to all get back and forth.  We actually had to go buy another vehicle.  Purchased with a car payment...yuck!  I have loved not having a car payment so so long that I hate the idea of making monthly payments.  Learning to live so frugally, I am hoping that we can pay it off early.  The upside is, it is a nice family size car, my daughter likes to drive it and everyone seems to approve of the purchase. 

My husband then received the recommendation from the state for his sex offender designation, without going into great detail, they recommended him a level 2.  There are three levels in our state, one being the lowest and least risk, up to a three.  This did not make sense to us and it seemed that everything we had been told to do early on was coming back to bite us after the fact.  It has been a battle for two months, requiring planning and preparation, but yesterday we won.  The judge saw past all the legalese and used common sense and assigned him a level one rating.  (No designation would have been the preferred outcome but our system is so screwed up that it would have taken a miracle of biblical proportions for that to happen,)  Level one is the absolute best we could have hoped for and means that he can have some sort of normal life.  So the outlook today is a good one.

Shortly after my husband came home and was still living with us, he and my daughter went out and picked out a new kitten.  Simon was a wonderful addition to our home and seemed to fit in just fine.  He was doing well, but I noticed he was no longer playing with his toys and seemed to just enjoying laying with someone.  But he must have been sick, one day I noticed that he had not moved from my floor from the night before, I knew something was wrong, and of course it was a Sunday.  We had made plans for my husband to take him to the vet first things Monday morning, but at 2:30am Monday, I knew he was not going to make it.  I had already buried one beloved pet by myself, I could not do it again.  I could not have the kids wake up in the morning and see Simon, so I called my husband and he took Simon to his home.  He sat with Simon until he passed away a short time later.  I did not tell the kids until later Monday after school.  They knew it did not look good but were content to go to school Monday thinking he was going to the vet.  What did this mean?  The first thing we had done as a family when my husband came home and now he was gone.  Simon was a symbol of us moving on and he himself was only with us for three months.  I still am unsure of how to understand his short time with us but we have all begun to heal and move on. 

My daughter is back in counseling, she is having a hard time dealing with all that having Dad back in her life brings.  Having him under our roof meant going there were restrictions on them as well.  Restrictions with friends, computers and a constant reminder of the changes in our lives.  She is fearful of loosing the quality time that her and I have spent over the years with her softball.  She is looking at her life and seeing that it is changing yet again.  Right now she sees all the negative changes, I think with time and help she will begin to see the positives as well.  She won't loose all the things that she loves, her and I will still be able to spend many long car rides alone and as that reality sets in, things will be good.  The irony in this is she had been worried about what to tell people when they asked about her dad, I had the opportunity to introduce my husband to her softball coach and explain where he had been for the last few years, and his response was completely unexpected.  He told us that his own father had been incarcerated for 3 years when he was a boy.  Who knew!

We never know the stories of all the people around us.  So many of us have so many sides, that to assume everyone is perfect, is to put yourself at a disadvantage and set yourself up for disappointment.  I like meeting people who are flawed like me and imperfect.  I think they are so much more interesting than those people that maintain a facade of perfection.  The stories you can share and conversation you can have are great opportunities for growth and understanding.  If Hollywood tried to make a movie of my life, it would go on forever and never really seem to find that happily ever after ending, but I admit that sometime I sit back with a snack and laugh at the chaos of it all.  


  1. And the struggles continue right? I have heard from so many that while we wait for the day that our husbands are released we tend to think life will be able to go back to "normal". Hahaha! What is normal right? I have a feeling life will never be as before! This week my husband and I actually felt elated when BOP gave us a projected release date.....at least it is something to look forward to. It is still a very long time (3 1/2 years away) but I guess you learn to find excitement however you can right?

    Is there a reason that your husband is not living in your home anymore? I certainly don't mean to get overly personal but I'm concerned that there might be restrictions we don't know about. We are very sketchy on all the conditions of release and restrictions that we will face.....he was initially assigned a level 2 when he gets out....we've heard that is not good at all. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there right?

    Once again, thank you for all your sharing of this journey of yours, you have no idea how helpful it is to me!

    God's blessings to you both!!

    1. Having him come home we had always been worried about all the restrictions that could be imposed. Unfortunately for us now, the town park is separated from our back yard by a 8 foot fence. When the kids were younger it was great, now...not so much. Technically there are NO legal residency restrictions that would prevent him from living there and we had been assured multiple times during his last two years incarcerated that he would be allowed to return home.

      The problem is, one of his supervision restrictions states that he can not "loiter near a school, park or anywhere that minor children congregate". Loiter legally means to be there without a reason however his evil Probation Officer says that because of her interpretation of that restriction he can not live in our home because it is to close to the park. He lives there, he is not loitering. He can not attend the kids functions at school and for the most part can not be a part of our children's lives on a day to day basis.
      Now that he has his level designation we are going to see if we can take that issue up with a higher authority and get some clarification as to whether or not she has the power to do that. I would be happy if he could at least visit one day a week.

      One piece of advice is to not believe everything that BOP or probation tells you. Some of them don't care and don't really know the answers while others try to lie to catch you in a lie and neither the BOP or probation care what the other said to you. Just because the BOP said one thing, it does not mean that probation will do it.

      Level 2 is not great but it is better than level 3 and depending on where you live could mean any number of differences. I am told that in NY level 2 can petition once a year to be reduced to a level 1. Not sure if that is similar where you are. Check out USAFair.org and Cautionclick.com. There are a number of groups (others might be RSOL, WAR etc.) out there fighting to change the registry. We as family members will be living with those restrictions as well so it is helpful to get informed and try to change them.

  2. Glad to hear you are maintaining as much as possible. The twists and turns make for a somewhat nauseating ride. Hang in there, stay a warrior for truth. I am still waiting for the release of my son. Time moves slowly when you are dealing with anyone who pulls your own very personal strings. Still, things for you are better than when I met you at Outside the Cell in NYC. Keep looking up from whence all out strength flows.

  3. I agree, being assigned a Level 1 nearly puts a person into healthy functioning mode, so it’s good that he got placed there. That said, problems are something people normally go through, the key to this is how we react and maintain a positive attitude. And you’re all doing very well in getting your lives back. Take care!

    Eliseo Weinstein @ JRS Bail Bond
