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Thursday, May 31, 2012

The One Constant is....Change

We like to think that we live our lives most days with very few disruptions.  We look at our world and think that most of our days are spent in our everyday routines.  The only time things get thrown out of whack are when some major event happens and seems to change our lives.  We think of those times when we loose a job, the death of a loved one, the birth of a new family member or some natural disaster that sweeps in unexpectedly as times of change.

But it is in a microscopic look at our lives that we see change everyday, sometimes from one moment to the next.  The kid who woke up this morning and complained about not being able to find his sneakers, is not the same kid who will put his head back on that pillow tonight.  Every experience, every encounter has affected him in some way that makes him a different person than he was before.  All the people that have interacted with him have left their mark and some way changed who he will be forever.  Even the physical body changes constantly.   Anyone with a teenage boy knows that they never stop growing, and eating.  Their bodies change moment by moment, hair never stops growing...and spreading.  A pimple that was there today will be gone tomorrow. 

As adults, change is always there as well.  Maybe our bodies have stopped growing, but we are still maturing.  Hair continues to grow, for some it even stops growing.  Bodies change as our lifestyles have an impact on our physical appearance.  We should be getting wiser with all our new and varied experiences to learn from.  People come and go from our lives as part of our natural cycle.  We grow, have our own families, parents age, children grow and mature, parents pass away and children move away.

Some of the changes that we experience are shared common events, while others are unique and sometimes leave us feeling isolated.  Some changes are wonderful and we consider them blessings while others are times when we feel the most alone and left in the dark.  Within some changes you can find both the blessing and the darkness.

My thoughts today come from the fact that I watched my oldest son play his last official baseball game last evening.  I find such joy in watching him play that I feel like a large part of my happiness is now gone.  What am I to do?  I am excited for him heading to college in the fall, far away though.  I won't be able to see him except for the big holidays, but I am looking forward to watching him win at his next "event".  It may not be a ball game but it may be in a successful semester or a excellently completed project.  He will grow and change so much in his first semester away and I envy him being able to experience life as a young person testing the waters and out on your own.  He will be a different person and yet still the same when he comes back to see us.  I won't be able to see him "play" a game two or three nights a week but I will get to sit back and watch him excel in his life.     

Embrace the change, because they will be coming whether you want them to or not.  Good or bad, expected or unexpected, normal or out of the ordinary, change forces us to learn and grow.  If we make the most of it, we will always come out for the better, that does not mean that I can not sit back and wish I could keep him home a little bit longer and watch one more game.  I am his mom.


  1. Are you planning on continuing your blog after you husband returns home? I have followed your blog for a couple of years now and cannot help but want to know The Rest of the Story.

    Also, is your husband responsible for any monetary restitution when he is released? How do you feel about that?

    1. Thank you for following my story, it is nice to hear that people are interested in how it will play out.

      I think it will be just as important to continue the story when he comes home. It will be another whole new "adventure". You hear so often of how families fall apart once their loved ones come home because everyone has changed too much, but we don't hear the positive stories (not that I know which category we will ultimately fall into).

      And yes, he does have restitution to pay back, but because he was able to secure employment with UNICOR while serving his sentence, he has made a large dent in the total amount. I have never denied that what he did was wrong. He owned his mistakes and deserved to be punished and the restitution is just another part of his punishment. What I still question is the severity of his sentence and the fact that other options for punishment might have been more appropriate.

      I am not sure what I feel about part of his income going to pay restitution, but I look at it as any additional income he is able to contribute is a bonus for me. There might not be a whole lot left after his supervision fees and restitution but it will not last for ever.

  2. Hello - You have such a positive attitude about your whole ordeal. My husband made his own mistakes too and as I have said before we are still waiting on sentencing. I am angry though that our financial future will be so impacted by all of this. I hate that I will be living hand to mouth while he is incarcerated. I hate that we too might have to pay restitution. I hate that we will have to start over with our 401K's because we have had to withdraw them to pay for attorney's and bill's in order for me to make ends meet. I love my husband and I am committed to sticking this out with him, but I have not had 5 years to let it all sink in - and right now I am extremely hurt that he would put his family in this position.

    I am also frustrated with the system. I know that if this had been state jurisdiction he would be on probation already and we would be on with our lives. I know that there are people who have done much worse than may husband walking around free while he will be wasting away behind bars. Instead of contributing like he is now - he will become a burden - it just doesn't make any sense. There are really bad people who deserve to be incarcerated, but my husband is not one. He is a good man who made a mistake, and has already learned a hard lesson. The rest is just adding salt to the wound.

    This seems like it will never end. We wait 6 mo to be sentenced. Then he will serve his sentence, then pay restitution - then probation... what he did was wrong - but really? Probation and restitution is enough. I would be ok with paying the restitution if he could stay home and work - but incarcerate the man- he looses his job, has to start over and then you want him to pay restitution as well?
    I am also angry that they were including my income in our financials.. I didn't do anything wrong =- but Texas is considered a community property state so what's mine is his -so they can consider my income when assessing his fine..
    No it won't last forever - but right now there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm tired.

    1. Jo,
      Been there, done that. Our retirement money is all gone and even now I still tap into whatever I manage to accumulate to pay unexpected expenses.
      What my husband did was wrong but it is the system that has put us in this position. Like you, he should have been placed on probation or supervision, with fines or restitution and if he had been convicted on state charges he would have never spent a day in jail. Unfortunately the system is broken and so many families find themselves in this awful position.

      People do not look at the greater picture, my husband could be working, paying down his restitution, paying taxes, supporting his family, getting treatment, and reporting for supervision. In stead, he is a drain on the tax payers, leaving us to try to survive with what governmental help is available. The whole family is serving his sentence and a drain on the tax system.

      I channel my energy in trying to fight a system that is broken instead of letting the anger grow and fester. I have never been able to spend my life in bitterness, it was just not my nature so I try to focus on the positives. The continuing anger would only make me physically ill, and serve no other purpose.

      Hang in there, it is a situation that few will ever experience. It will not be easy and it will eventually end. All I can offer is find the joy in everything, it makes it seem less horrible.

    2. It helps to know that I am not the only one out there that feels the same way I do. Thank you for the words of encouragement. Any tips on fighting the system? I wouldn't even know where to begin, but I would sure like to have a shot at it. Jo

    3. Jo,
      Look at my latest entry...it is a place to start. I might be able to help with more ideas, e-mail me at katemest@gmail.com.
